Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Deep Freeze of Bartholomew Tullock, among other things

Okay, faithful followers, I have a mission for you.  Two missions, actually.
~Mission number 1:  I have just finished a rather good book called The Deep Freeze of Bartholomew Tullock, by Alex Williams.  It was set in a typeface I have seen many times before, but I never could figure out what it was called.  That's where you come in.  I have scoured the internet, and the closest thing I could find was Bembo, so close but not exact.  I need YOU (yes, you) to find out what font this book is set in!  (and no, it doesn't say in the book.  I checked, ok?)  The title of the book is a link to the Google Books page, where you can see what the font looks like and maybe read a bit of it (it's pretty good.)  BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!
~Mission number 2:  Today I found a flexible keyboard at Big Lots.  It doesn't work very well, but I figured it's portable, gimmicky, and I could plug it into the Kindle Fire I'm getting so it would be easier to type on it.  The problem?  Well, for one, the Kindle Fire doesn't have a USB port, and  so I have no way to plug it in.  That's why your second mission is to find a way to connect a Kindle Fire and a flexible keyboard.  I thought maybe a hub would work, but then realized they wouldn't be connected so they would work together that way.  HELP!!

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