Note: this is what you would call a "second attempt post", as the first time I tried nose typing I somehow shut down my computer and the original post I was working on didn't get saved, so I had to retype the whole thing. Let this be a lesson: be very careful when nose/toes typing!
This is really entertaining if you are ridiculously bored or have absolutely nothing better to do, so enjoy.
Here's what you do: Open Microsoft Word (or whatever your word browser is, you can even use a typewriter if you want to be extra hispter-y), or open a comment for the blog. Anywhere you can type will work, Google Docs, you name it....
Then try to type the phrases below first with your nose, then with your toes. Punctuation does not matter, but this is very tricky as it is, so it won't make a large amount of difference. My attempts are below, and it'd be great if you could send YOUR attempts to me as well. If you have my email, send it to me that way, or you can even mail it if you want. If you don't have my email, please just do it in a comment, because for privacy reasons I don't want to publicly post my email address on the internet. I will then post your attempts here as well, unless you specifically tell me not to. Enjoy!
Phrase 1: Cats are nice and furry. My attempt (nose): cats are niceand rurry. My attempt (toes): c atrs are icf ZA bnd fujhrrftuy h
Phrase 2: Kirk is better than Picard. My attempt (nose): kirk nis bettr than icard/ My attempt (toes): kirtfk iksd bedtter tyhasn pikcsartdf
Phrase 3: Nerdy Babble Today is awesome. My attempt (nose): nerdy babble today ims awesome My attempt (toes): nerdy bzab bled todfu is bawsesomew
Phrase 4: Thunderbirds are go! My attempt (nose): thunderbrds are go My attempt (toes): tbhundfedrbiordfsd asrer go~
Heh, this is pretty fun. Now it's your turn! Please be careful where you're putting your nose and toes so you don't end up crashing your computer!
Random thought for the day: Yesterday my friend and I tried to make our own energy drink from a recipe in a magazine using orange juice, lemon juice, sea salt, and lime juice. Unfortunately, we didn't have lime juice or sea salt, so we just put extra lemon juice and used regular table salt instead. Our first attempt was vile! We had the bright idea of dyeing it green for unknown reasons, which was interesting. We had way too much salt, so we watered it down a ton, got it so it was drinkable, and then began to squeeze more lemon juice. Unfortunately, about halfway through, we realized the bowl that we were squeezing into was still all salty, and so when we added the juice our recipe was suddenly undrinkable again. Finally, we got something decent, and gave it to both my mom and dad to try. My mom thought it was nasty, she couldn't even finish it, but then again she doesn't like regular Gatorade either. My dad actually said it wasn't terrible or something of that nature. I took a few pictures of the fiasco and will post them as soon as I get them off the camera.
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